Wage Garnishment Protection

What Can You Do When the IRS is Reaching Into Your Paycheck?

When the IRS goes about settling debts, it does not do so gently, and your employer is powerless to help you out. Once an employer receives notice that the IRS is garnishing your wages, the employer is required by law to send a percentage of your money directly to the government, even if that means leaving you with too little to pay the bills.

The government will continue taking money from your paychecks until your debt, and all penalties and interest acquired, is paid.


There is a way to STOP the IRS’s wage garnishment.

The IRS must follow strict guidelines when imposing and releasing a wage garnishment. If you find yourself in conditions that the IRS considers “economic hardship” the garnishment can be stopped!

We can help you arrange a payment plan with the IRS that is much more favorable to YOU and your current financial situation. If the government is already garnishing your wages, we can provide assistance in negotiating a release of that garnishment and arranging for a more suitable payment plan in its place. This allows you to receive the full benefit of your wages while working to meet your debt to the IRS in a more reasonable manner.

Arrange an IRS payment plan more favorable to YOU.

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